Teamspeak Ranks & Permissions
From Runsafe
Our Teamspeak server offers lots of diffrent server and channel ranks. Here you will find a list of those ranks along with what they can do.
Server Ranks
These are ranks that will follow you around no matter what channel you are in.
- Guest - The rank that you are giving when you join the server.
- Member - This is the rank after member which allowed you to use Voice Activation.
- Minecraft Moderator - Tells you that this player is a Minecraft Moderator.
- Move Rights - This player can move users between channels.`
- Make Members - This player can change your server & channel rank from guest to member.
- Teamspeak Moderator - Shows you that this user is a Teamspeak Moderator.
- Kick Rights - Shows you what player can kick users from any channel or the server.
- Ban rights - Shows you who can ban users from the Teamspeak server.
- Wizard - Players who are Wizards on the Minecraft server.
- Minecraft Admin - These are Admins of the Minecraft Server.
- Guest - This will make it so you can't type in that channel's chat. You will need to get promoted.
- Member - This will allow you to type in a Channels chat and promote other guests to member status.
- Channel Admin - Will allow you to edit/promote/demote/kick users from your channel.