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"Clans" is the official Runsafe feature for forming alliances and tracking progress in Survival. Clans are ranked on a public leaderboard for their overall success and formidability in the world.

Quick Info

  • A clan can be started by any two (or more) players. Refer to the Clan Leader Commands below to get started.
  • A clan's name is represented using a three character "Clan Tag", such as "DBD" or "KOS". These tags are typically an acronym or shortened version of the full name.
  • The Clan Leaderboard displays the current top five clans. It is based on how many enemy clan members and Dergons the clan has killed, as well as overall clan size. Being killed by enemy clan members negatively affects rating. The leaderboard only tracks data from the previous 60 days.

Clan Leader Commands

  • /clan create <TAG> - Starts a clan, with you being the leader. The Clan Tag can be any three letters, though we don't recommend obscene choices. You will receive a Clan Charter (a book), which at least one friend must sign to officially start the clan.
  • /clan kick <clanmember> - Removes a player from your clan.
  • /clan invite <player> - Invites a player to your clan.
  • /clan motd <message> - Sets a "message of the day" that your clan members will see when they log in.
  • /clan pass leadership <clanmember> - Gives your leadership to another clan member.
  • /clan disband - Disbands your clan (deletes it completely).

General Clan Commands

  • /clan rankings - Lists the current top five clans (based on the last 60 days of activity).
  • /clan list - Lists all existing clans.
  • /clan join <TAG> - Accepts an invite from a clan.
  • /clan info <TAG> - Lists the stats for said clan.
  • /clan lookup <player> - Checks which clan a player is in, provided they have joined one.
  • /2 <message> - Sends a message in your Clan Channel, a private chat channel for members of your clan. (Note: For staff this is /3)
  • /clan flare - Broadcasts your current co-ordinates in the Clan Channel.
  • /clan alltimeranking - Lists the top five clans of all time (This serves more as a general statistic than a primary ranking system).

Clan Rules

  • As a safeguard against exploits, one player is not allowed join a single clan with multiple accounts, by default. An Admin must give clearance in order to bend this rule.
  • If a player joins multiple clans using different accounts, they must play actively on both accounts. We are not fond of idle accounts to boost clan size.
  • Do not trick players into joining a clan. This includes anything from verbal trickery to leaving a Clan Charter in a random chest.
  • Do not "farm" points for the Clan Leaderboard by staging pvp kills against other clan members, or using alternate accounts in a different clan. Kills must be obtained from legitimate Survival play. We will not tolerate anyone attempting to cheat the system for the rankings.