The Defense Of The Kingdom

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Revision as of 09:25, 25 May 2013 by Kruithne (Talk | contribs)

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The location of the event
The signs on the airship

The Overview

The Defense Of The Kingdom was a HUGE PvE event that took place on may 20th 2013. During this event players were expected to up against a number of mobs gaining in strength as the event progressed. After the event was over we had a winner the winner was declared as Keltq which lasted about 45 Minutes defending the kingdom for all the mobs. Keltq after winning this event won the head of AcidSkass. If you have any questions feel free to ask a member of staff. Staff members will have a blue , purple , or red name. To see a list of staff visit the Player ranks page.

The attackers of the kingdom

Lots of different mobs and missiles attacked the kingdom below is a list of attacks the kingdom faced.

  • Zombies
  • Skeletons
  • Spiders
  • Cave Spiders
  • Ender Dragon
  • God Zombies
  • God Skeletons
  • Creepers
  • Giant Zombies
  • Missiles (tnt)

Only those that were able to withstand those attacks wave after wave were crowned victorious.