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A clan is a group of three or more people, with one of those players acting as a leader. It's very simple, and it's a great way to represent your group in Survival. Each clan has a clan tag, such as "DOG" or "DUM" that represents the name of the clan in some way. In the future, we plan to add extra features and perks for players that have joined a clan, but for now, this page will give you a quick rundown of the commands you'll need to start, maintain, or join a clan. And don't forget to read the clan rules below to avoid getting slapped by the admins! (All regular server rules still apply)

Clan Leader Commands

  • /clan create <TAG> - Starts a clan with you set to be the leader. Your clan tag can be any three letters, but try not to be obscene. You will receive a charter (book) which two friends must sign before the clan will actually form.
  • /clan kick <clanmember> - Removes a player from your clan.
  • /clan invite <player> - Invites a player to your clan.
  • /clan motd <message> - Sets a message of the day that your clan members will see when logging in.
  • /clan pass leadership <clanmember> - Gives your leadership to another clan member.
  • /clan disband - Disbands your clan (deletes it and removes all members, including you).

Clan Commands

  • /clan list - Lists all existing clans.
  • /clan join <TAG> - Accepts an invite from a clan.
  • /clan info <TAG> - Lists the stats for said clan.
  • /clan lookup <player> - Checks which clan a player is in, provided they have joined one.
  • /clan rankings - Lists the top three clans (based on the number of members it has, the number of enemy clan members it has killed, and how many Dergons the clan has defeated)
  • /clan flare - Broadcasts your co-ordinates in clan chat.
  • /2 - Brings you into the Clan Channel, all further messages will broadcast to all fellow clan members who are currently online. (Note: For staff this is /3)

Clan Rules

In effect as of March 8th 2014

  • A player will not be permitted to have multiple accounts in the same clan.
  • If a player uses multiple accounts to join multiple clans, they must be playing somewhat actively on each account.
  • Do not trick players into joining a clan. This includes things like leaving a charter in the trash chest.
  • Do not "farm" points (cheat the system) in any way. For example, a clan may not allow themselves to be killed over and over again to assist another clan in gaining points. Kills must be obtained legitimately. This includes killing your own alternate accounts.