Command Reference

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If you are at the troll rank then you have access to no commands , and due to your poor behavior all you may do is type in the chat.


Server Wide Commands

  • Emotes - Players can use /Emote to emote on the server. Just replace the word emote with an action. Ex - /slap or /slap <name>

Click here for a list of Emotes here!

  • /creative - Teleports you to the creative world spawn.
  • /spawn - Teleports you to the survival spawn which acts as a server-wide spawn.
  • /spleef or /ss - Teleports you to the spleef arena.
  • /bank - Teleports the player to the bank.
  • /ct find or /ct f - Teleports you to a free (empty) plot in the creative world.
  • /claim or /ct claim - Allows a player to claim a plot if the following requirements are done. The player either was no plots or all plots are approved. When a player claims a plot they can only claim a 1x1 any bigger they will need a staff member.

Builder (Inherits from Guest)

Server Wide Commands

  • /achievement view or /ach view - Views achievements for yourself or another player.
  • /achievement lookup or /ach lookup - Lookup information on an achievement.
  • /seen <player> - Checks when the specified player was last seen on the server.
  • /plugins or /pl - Shows all plugins that Runsafe has to offer
  • /account token - Gives you a code to link your minecraft account to the runsafe website
  • /played - Allows you to check your total playtime on runsafe.
  • /ignore <player> - Allowes you to ignore the player of your choice. This will make it so you don't see them in public chat, or recive messages from them. To un-ignore a player just run the command again. You can not ignore staff members.
  • /m /w /t <player> <message> - Sends a private message to the specified player.
  • /r <message> - Sends a reply message to the last person to whisper you.

Survival Commands

  • /mail view or /mail v- Opens your inbox.
  • /mail send <player>- Used to send a player mail. Requires five diamonds.
  • /mail sendbook - Allows you to send the book you are holding to a player for a smaller price.
  • /sethome <name> - Sets your location as one of your homes.
  • /home - Tells you all your available homes
  • /home <name> - Teleports you to one of your home locations.
  • /delhome <name> - Deletes one of your home locations.

Creative Commands

  • /ct r - Teleports you to a random claimed plot in the creative world.
  • /ct r <tag> - Teleports you to a random claimed plot that has the tag provided.
  • /ct t <plotname> - Teleports you to a plot such as Kruithne_polar. If you own a plot, you can neglect your name and the underscore.
  • /ct set - Sets the entrance of the player's plot.
  • /ct vote or /ct v - Votes for the plot you are standing on.
  • /ct m a <playername> - Adds a member to your plot, allowing them to build with you.
  • /ct m r <playername> - Removes a member from your plot, revoking their ability to build on the plot.
  • /ct list <player> - Produces a list of plots owned by a certain player.
  • /ct j approved or /ct j unapproved- Allows you to jump to either an approved plot or a unapproved plot.
  • /head <playername> or /head <playername> - Creates a head of the player provided.

PvP Commands

  • /pvp teleport or /pvp t - Brings you to the PvP Arena
  • /pvp rating or /pvp r - Checks for rating for the PvP Arena
  • /pvp scoreor /pvp s - Check all your kills and deaths from the PvP Arena
  • /pvp points or /pvp p - Tells you the amount of points you have in pvp
  • /pvp checkout or /pvp c - Gives you items from the pvp store

Wizard (Inherits from Builder)

Server Wide Commands

  • /lounge - Teleports the player to the staff lounge.

Moderator (Inherits from Builder)

Server Wide Commands

  • /tp <playername> - Teleports you to the provided player.
  • /tp <player1> <player2> - Teleports player1 to the location of player2.
  • /rank <player> <rank> - Used to change a player's rank to builder or troll.
  • /kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a player from the server for the supplied reason.
  • /tempban <player> - Temporarily bans a player from the server for the time and reason given.
  • /ban <player> <reason> - Applies a permanent ban to the player for the given reason while online.
  • /vanish or /v - Toggles vanish which makes you appear offline to all players and does not show your character in the world.
  • /fakejoin or /fj - Fakes you joining the server and unvanishes you.
  • /fakequit or /fq - Vanishes you and fakes you leaving the server.
  • /mute <player> - Mutes a specific player.
  • /unmute <player> - Unmutes a specific player.
  • /pn <name> set su <note> - Gives a note for staff to see
  • /pn <name> clear su - Clears the note from the player.
  • /pn <name> list - Shows any player notes that player has provided.
  • /mv who- List all players online that are in the provided world. (If world name is left out will show all players in all worlds)

Creative Commands

  • /ct te <plotname> - Teleports you to a plot such as Kruithne_polar. If you own a plot, you can neglect your name and the underscore.
  • /ct ra - Teleports you to a random claimed plot in the creative world.
  • /ct ra <tag> - Teleports you to a random claimed plot that has the tag provided.
  • /ct claim <player> - Claims a plot for the player.
  • /ct extend or /ct ex - Used to claim multi plots.
  • /ct regen - Resets the plot below to it's original state.
  • /ct regen <type> - This regens the plot to a new state. The types of regens are "Flat","Void" and "Grid".
  • /ct griefcleanup <type> - Removes different types of grief from the plot you are standing on, defined by adding "road”, “water”, “lava”, “cobblestone”, "obsidian" or “all".
  • /ct delete or /ct d - Deletes the plot a Moderator or Admin is over.
  • /ct scan - Scans the world, producing a list of entities currently loaded.
  • /ct clean - Clears the current world of ALL ENTITIES.
  • /ct clean <entity> - After using "/ct scan" you can provide an entity and clear just that entity.
  • /ct tag set or /ct tag s - Sets the tags for the plot you are over
  • /ct tag add or /ct tag a - Add a tag for the plot you are over.
  • /ct tag find or /ct tag f - Search for a plot with a certain tag
  • /ct tag clear or /ct tag c - Clears the tags from the current plot you are over.
  • /ct checkapproval <plot> - See which admin gave a certain plot approval.
  • /hawk tool - Enables/disables the hawk-eye action querying tool. (This works in creative-world only)


Server Wide Commands

  • /rank <player> <rank> - Changes any player to any of the following ranks. Troll, Builder, Wizard, Moderator, or Admin.
  • /dog speak <message> - Sends a message from DOG.
  • /dog reload - Reloads the DOG AI engine from the database, re-creating the expressions.
  • /hawk rollback <parameters> - Performs a roll back of player actions using hawk-eye parameters.
  • /hawk delete <parameters> - Purge the database of incidents matching the parameters.
  • /hawk rebuild <parameters> - Repeat the actions matching the parameters.
  • /hawk preview <parameters> - Shows a rollback to only you, allowing you to apply it after.
  • /hawk preview apply - Applies the rollback you are currently previewing.
  • /hawk preview cancel - Cancels the rollback you are currently previewing.
  • /hawk tpto <incident> - Teleports you to the given incident ID.
  • /hawk undo - Reverts your last rollback.
  • /hawk tool bind - Binds custom parameters to the hawk tool.
  • /hawk tool reset - Resets the hawk tool back to default.
  • /puppet <player> <message> - Broadcasts a message from the supplied player.
  • /mv list - Lists all the loaded worlds.
  • /mv create <name> <type> [parameters] - Creates a new world.
  • /mv setspawn - Sets the spawn of the current world to the players location.
  • /mode <player> <mode> - Changes the players gamemode.
  • /setspawn - Sets the servers spawn location to the players location.

Creative Commands

Note: Admins have access to a lot of other commands however they are only used by developers, therefore not documented.