Huckleberry Installing

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Installing Huckleberry (Windows)

Getting Huckleberry on Windows is simple, download the executable ( somewhere on your computer and run it. Every time you want to play Huckleberry, simply run the launcher again! The launcher will handle everything for you, from authentication to keeping your game client up-to-date each time you launch it.

Installing Huckleberry (Linux)

Open a terminal window and run these commands:

mkdir huckleberry
cd huckleberry
curl -s -o
chmod +x

You can now start huckleberry using the script. try ./ --help for a list of arguments you can pass it!

Keeping Huckleberry Up-to-date

Keeping Huckleberry up-to-date is easy, simply run the script/launcher again (depending on your operating system) and it will do all the work for you! Before it launches the game, it will check all of your files and make sure everything is correct before running.


Logging in...

Logging into Huckleberry does NOT use your Minecraft/Mojang account details. Instead, it uses the e-mail address and password of your Runsafe account which you can create on our website (

The launcher doesn't work!

If you're on Windows, you will need at least .NET 4.5!

When I click play, it goes back to the main menu?

This normally happens when your session is invalid. Simply close down the game, open up the launcher and click log-out, then log back in. If you're using the script launcher, you won't need to log-out, simply just type in your e-mail address and password again as normal. If you're still unable to play, contact an admin to see what the issue is!