How to Create Teamspeak Channels

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The server contains a selection channels catered to the most popular games played by the Runsafe community as well as a few general purpose rooms such as coding lounges for our developers and general rooms. To switch channel, simply double click on it. There are some channels you cannot access -- this is for a reason. Asking for access will not get you anywhere. If you lack talk power in a certain channel you wish to take part in, simply poke a member of that channel by right clicking on them and select 'Poke', giving the reason. If you wish to see all users in all channels (instead of having to guess where people are), subscribe to all channels using the green "eye" button located at the top of the window. Users are also allowed to create channels if needed.

Creating Channels

How to create a Teamspeak channel.
How to make the name and password.

On our teamspeak server we have made it possible for users to create their own temporary channel. To create your own channel right click on "Shadow of the Phoenix" at the very top and pick create channel. Then you will get a pop up window to fill in some information about your channel. On this window you can give your channel a name, password, topic, and a description. The only thing that you must have is a channel name you will need nothing else. After you hit ok at the bottom you will be moved into your channel. The server will then give you the rank of "Channel Admin" this makes it so your in charge of your channel.