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Mddoctor1016 Has been on the server for a little over a year. He started as nothing but a builder who was a friend of one staff member, eb2408. Soon he found himself being trained by Behind_themask, in pvp, scamming, survival, and any other area of his unique expertise. Most people did not like Mddoctor for a long time, they thought all he was a scammer, and they weren't wrong...

After months of being hated, by almost everyone, Mddoctor met a few good allies. He met MrMarc45689, (Notice the lack of a 7)MasterOsiris, and Many others. They stuck by him no matter what, and they still do to this day. MrMarc was an easy going, gentle, kind soul, and he was liked by basically everyone who met him. Mdd, who was still hated, wanted to know his secret. Turns out, the secret was to be kind, and not steal loads of diamonds from people! GENIUS! So, mddoctor started being nicer, not much at first, but it started to make things change...

After a few months, Mddoctor had made TONS of new friends and allies. They supported him and his decisions, they goofed off with him, and his closest allies, were involved in the prank wars. Mddoctor has been advised by people on how to be rather good at pvp, at spleef, and anything else he may try. Naming all of his allies now would be rather difficult. If you believe you are a true ally of him, Ask him!

Though Mddoctor is a kinder soul now, He shall never forget those who helped him get diamond, and other rare items. Some of the pro scammers who helped include Behind_themask Propasta and Lots more!

He always thanks them when they come on, no matter how briefly or how often. And He believes that they know how glad he is to have met them, and learned from, "The Best of the Best." And he also has that scamming nature in him, though he can't scam as an SU, he still uses his skills in pvp, and survival griefing, to his advantage.