Spring 2013 Creative Contest

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Revision as of 19:02, 29 May 2013 by Kruithne (Talk | contribs)

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The Signs for the contest at spawn

Starting in april and into the month of may runsafe held a creative contest to see which player could create the best plot. Lots of plots were submitted but only one plot got the prize. Below is a list of plots that got either a ranking or runner up to get to these plots on the runsafe server type the command /ct t <names given below>. For more commands see the Command Reference. The prize for this contest was the wizard head of Solonari.


These were the plots that were recognized within the contest. So please feel free to give credit to the creators of these plots as they all worked long and hard on them. If you have any further questions about this event feel free to ask a member of staff. Staff will have a purple, blue ,or red name. For a list of staff visit the Player Ranks page.


Stay tuned for some images and a video overview.