From Runsafe
Revision as of 03:13, 7 February 2013 by Iliketoeatpenuts (Talk | contribs)
The Creative world is where a large amount of our players spend there time.
One of the many good Creative plots.
The Creative world is made up of plots that players can have staff members claim for them so they may build.(See Plot Claiming)
Strewn about the world are many great builds that players can see. If you want to browse the plots, use the command '/ct r' to be teleported to random plots.
The creative world comes with many perks:
- The plots are private, only the players you allow can build and modify your plot
- Water and Lava are enabled
- You can get more than one plots to build on
- You can have unlimited plots, if you can build good, that is
- TNT does no damage-------This is to prevent people from griefing other plots with TNT cannons.
- Beacons are disabled-------This is to prevent people from placing them near spleef, giving unwanted potion effects.