Runic Plinth

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Runic Plinth
Image: A Runic Plinth, ready to take it next traveler to the Manavoid.
Uses:/th> Interdimensional Travel, Runestone Creation
Stackable? Yes (64)


A Runic Plinth is a block used to access The Manavoid and create Runestones.

Using the Plinth

In order to use the Plinth, you need a potion of any kind, and that's it. Look at your Runic Plinth, and drink the potion, and you will be transported into the new dimension for 5 minutes, before returning to your original position in the overworld.


The Runic plinth can be used to create different types Runestones by having Arcane Dust and blank Runestones in your inventory. Just right click on the Plinth with anything but a potion in your hand to create these Runestones.


To Craft a Runic Plinth, you need 5 Dorite. Lay the Dorite in an upside down T shape in your crafting grid.


The Crafting of a Runic Plinth