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Revision as of 08:29, 8 July 2014 by ExposedGun316 (Talk | contribs)

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A wild ExposedGun316 has appeared.

ExposedGun316 (Dougal McGuire) is a Moderator who at tree-tirty tree uses his scythe to harvest the souls of his enemies. He is a friendly person who will always play Spleef. According to people he is a potato, he never knew.

Fun facts

  • Exposed is the only potato.
  • He sucks at pvp but still enjoys it.
  • He is owner of the Drag Guild.
  • He likes spleef.
  • He spends most of his time on the server helping people.
  • He hates both The Nether and The End.
  • He hates going outside.
  • He is terrible at redstone.
  • He likes joking around.
  • He rarely wonders from Runsafe.
  • He finds joy in throwing scythes at people.
  • Instead of saying 3:33 he says Tree tirty tree.
  • When he is not on the server he is probably on Youtube.
  • He is a member of Posh and DBD.
  • Was one of the first to complete the Event in the Reef.


Old Survival

When Exposed first joined the server he had no friends on the server. This changed quickly when he met dfer10. Dfer introduced him to all of his friends BlexyBecky ,Rhys_EE and AwesomeGuyJJ. Later on zin400, paseen, ainixmas, Lucie868 and chees239 joined us and we all decided to make a Survival base together. We had this base for around a month then it got raided and Exposed has no idea by who. After this Exposed and his friends played more Creative and didn't go back to Survival. After a while ainixmas, paseen, zin400, chees239, Rhys_EE and Lucie868 stopped playing and left Exposed, dfter, BlexyBecky and AwesomeGuyJJ. The four of them decided to make a new base now that there was less of them. This was was raided but before it was everyone had left. This is the time when Exposed head off and started making his own Solo Bases. A little while after this Exposed was invited to a Skybase with MrMarc45689 and mddoctor1016.Exposed when through two solo bases and was on his third which was never raided in the old Survival world. After a while Exposed befriended a player called ValconCrafter who was also known as BlackWing407 and later Dracowilly. Together the three of them made an awesome Nether base which was never raided. Exposed was later invited to Posh (KOS) which was run by Propasta, behind_themask, Proto007 and njs41. When Exposed was invited to Posh he was invited to the Posh base (Exposeds 4th plot) and Proto's cube(Exposeds 5th plot).Exposed lived out his Survival days in these bases until the world was reset.

Survival Reset

A while after the Survival world was reset and Exposed moved his stuff from the old world to the new one he was invited to the Posh base which was now known as KOS. After about a month the KOS base was destroyed by Exposed himself because a new player, plaster_saint found the base. All the goods were moved to a new base where a member of KOS Rbartel betrayed us and took all of the valuables. After this the clan stopped making bases and just didn't do anything in that Survival world anymore. Exposed was also invited to a base made by DBD but that base was raided by Skalamandar who got the coords from MkX13.

Another Reset

When that Survival World was reset and all banks were wiped Exposed was upset that he lost all of his items but got over it and went to the KOS base. By then Pieman400, Its The Darkness, gonzo0605 and Matthew32324 (Backmatt) had joined the clan. As of now Exposed does not have a solo base. Exposed,Pieman400 and Matthew32324 (Backmatt) left KOS and joined DBD because they wanted to do stuff in Survival such as kill Dergons and make awesome looking bases. Exposed now lives with Pieman400 in a base they made together and shares a storage base with him. He also lives in the DBD clan base.


He currently have 9 plots.His most notable plot would be his 6th.

  • His 1st plot is now a modern house, before that it used to be a mass of my friends statues.
  • His 2nd plot was always a guild plot and always will be a guild plot.
  • His 3rd plot is a collection of 15 plots.(WIP)
  • His 4th is one of the Posh base's brought in from Survival.
  • His 5th is a massive Cube made by Proto007.
  • His 6th is a 5x5 maze plot.
  • His 7th is a man-made part of a Savanna biome.
  • He was given ownership of MasterOsiris_6 because he is co-owner of the guild.
  • He was given ownership of wavehive45_7 because wave was giving ownership to all his friends.