The Portal to The Unknown

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The Portal to the Unknown is a unique structure in the Survival world. It was also the name of the related ongoing event/mystery on Runsafe, spanning the length of multiple sub-server events from May 2013 to March 2014, but ultimately never completed. The aim of the event was for the players of the server to collect all the wizard heads, each one being the prize for a smaller event. It was said that with all heads collected, players could locate an ancient portal hidden in the overworld, and somehow use the heads to open it. It would have been up to the players to work together to open the portal for everyone, or it would simply remain shut. Where did the portal lead? To this day, it has never been uncovered by the Runsafe playerbase.

Obtaining Wizard Heads

Wizard heads were awarded as prizes for certain server events, however they could (and can) also be obtained by killing a wizard in PvP (3% head drop-chance).

Past Progress


Many of the players who obtained certain Wizard heads would gradually become inactive, as Runsafe grew quieter in years following 2014. Additionally, more players joined the ranks of the wizards over time, and it remains unclear if all present wizard heads would have been necessary to open the portal, or if a certain number of wizard heads was simply one way to open it. The way in which the heads influenced the status of the portal was never uncovered. In theory, the portal room itself is still hidden within the overworld.